How does EMDR work?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987. It is a form of psychotherapy that enables people to heal from emotional distress, trauma-related issues, distressing life experiences and post-traumatic stress disorders

This psychotherapy technique delves deep into the core of the individual, allowing the individual to address their thoughts, emotions, and physical responses to facilitate insights, positive reinforcement, hope, healing and renewed confidence.


Unlike conventional therapies, EMDR comprehensively addresses the whole person. By tapping into the intricate connection between thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, EMDR aids individuals in uncovering deep-seated issues and negative beliefs that hinder their true potential.

This comprehensive approach fosters adaptive coping responses, offering lasting solutions rather than temporary relief.


Typically, while focusing on an event or issue, the client follows a series of rapid eye, audio or tapping movements.

The bilateral stimulation, particularly, the eye movements, produces a relaxed response, reduces negative responses, and instead, activates cognitive changes. The movements facilitate interhemispheric integration by activating a neurobiological state similar to REM sleep and redirecting and enhancing memories into an integrative state.  

This scientifically-proven treatment has undergone rigorous validation studies and includes elements from several different schools of therapy.

In essence, EMDR therapy's primary goal is to deliver swift, profound, and comprehensive treatment effects. By targeting specific issues and addressing the interconnected aspects of thoughts, emotions, and physical responses, EMDR achieves rapid relief from emotional distress and trauma-related issues; offering a streamlined route to a brighter future.

Looking for a powerful way to process trauma and emotional pain? Brainspotting is an innovative form of psychotherapy that uses eye position to access the deeper emotions and memories connected to the trauma - helping you to release stored pain and move forward with your life.

Angie is one of the first Certified Brainspotting Practitioners in Singapore and is a Certified Level 1 Facilitator.
She has trained in several levels:

  • BSP - Phases 1, 2 & 3

  • BSP with Children

  • BSP Facilitator  

  • BSP Master Immersion with Dr David Grand, BSP Founder & Developer

  • FFTT (From Freeze to Thaw; Unlocking Trauma in the Body with Brainspotting)

Try brainspotting and start your journey of healing today.


How Does Brainspotting Work?