How Does Brainspotting Work?

Brainspotting identifies responses that affect emotion, cognition, memory and impulse control.  It accomplishes this by locating stress and trauma, revealing it, and changing negative beliefs connected with memories to positive ones, thereby rewiring how a person responds to stressful triggers. Brainspotting’s underlying foundation is neuroscience, with interpersonal Neurobiology, Ployvagal theory and somatic processing.

Brainspotting can be used as an add-on to one's current therapy or as a stand-alone therapy. During Brainspotting, clients are encouraged to speak as much or as little as they feel comfortable to, without pressure or expectation. The individual does not have to share their trauma with the therapist for the therapy to be beneficial.

Looking for a powerful way to process trauma and emotional pain? Brainspotting is an innovative form of psychotherapy that uses eye position to access the deeper emotions and memories connected to the trauma - helping you to release stored pain and move forward with your life.

Angie is one of the first Certified Brainspotting Practitioners in Singapore and is a Certified Level 1 Facilitator.
She has trained in several levels:

  • BSP - Phases 1, 2 & 3

  • BSP with Children

  • BSP Facilitator  

  • BSP Master Immersion with Dr David Grand, BSP Founder & Developer

  • FFTT (From Freeze to Thaw; Unlocking Trauma in the Body with Brainspotting)

Try brainspotting and start your journey of healing today.


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What is Brainspotting?